Tuesday, July 31, 2012


By Lance Rogerson
ppc vs seo

PPC advertising is when a business pays Google, Yahoo or Bing to list their site first when someone searches the web for something. For the most part, when people are searching, they understand how a paid advertisement is different from a real result. The listings that are paid for can be found up top and to the right on a search result. They can be seen with a pink background. A business pays a dollar amount when someone clicks through to their pages. People pay for nearly any search result and they often have large budgets to do so. However, why pay money for being first when search engines also display natural results.

Many companies pay for PPC advertising for many reasons. Highly saturated markets for competitive terms can take time to corner and it might make sense, in the short-term, to use these methods. However, consumers realize these sites are paid for and don't garner much trust. It's clear that they've paid for these results. Most people follow real results they can trust due to being relevant not how much they pay for it. And, of course, once they stop paying for an advert, their position in the results is gone.

Organic SEO starts with the website itself. In many cases business pages, even if they're designed well, have little or no SEO performed. They may also have been improperly configured with poor keyword choices. Most SEO specialists start with keyword and phrase research to know what terms are actually being searched for by customers ready to buy. Using these words may require on-page optimization to tags and titles which are evaluated by the search engines.

This tactic can also be effective in the life of these searches since it provides the authoritative content the search engines are looking for. You can't get relevancy by paying or using black-hat methods. Being a web leader involves providing continuous change and updated content that consumers want to read. "Creating quality content and building off-site links are extremely important," says Peter Landings of a Attorney SEO Company. And, since on-page SEO lasts, businesses are re-considering their long-term approaches.

It's clear the benefits that Organic SEO can provide and, while PPC can be useful, long-term strategies employing natural searches make for a great marketing tool. Using an Organic SEO Campaign small businesses and large can improve their search results naturally. And, while PPC is a good add-on to marketing campaigns, businesses may not want to focus all their effort there. Creating a natural, real result will Organic SEO can offer a solid foundation for any marketing approach.

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