Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The H1 Guide To SEO

By Helen Curnow

Sebuah tata letak halaman web didefinisikan dengan menggunakan Headers. Syarat penting pada sebuah halaman web biasanya yang terbesar dan lebih menonjol. Tag H1 singkatan Header1 yang, pada HTML, digunakan bersama dengan tag header lain, H2 melalui H6, untuk menentukan tata letak situs. Jumlahnya lebih rendah, kurang pentingnya ke halaman tag ini menunjukkan. Dan, tentu saja, istirahat halaman ke bagian logis bagi seorang pembaca. Pikirkan sebuah artikel majalah. Judul artikel ini mungkin elemen yang paling penting dan didefinisikan sebagai H1. Kemudian, mungkin, ada subjudul yang akan diberi tag H2 dan seterusnya sampai tubuh artikel itu sendiri dimulai dan biasanya diberi 'p' atau 'ayat' tag. Mesin pencari juga ingin melihat halaman dengan beberapa kerusakan logis dari konten.

Tapi, apakah OK untuk memiliki tag H1 beberapa pada satu halaman? Ini adalah topik yang diperdebatkan di kalangan profesional SEO. Beberapa akan berpendapat bahwa tidak apa-apa untuk memasukkan beberapa tag H1 pada halaman, dalam alasan. Orang lain akan bersikeras bahwa hanya satu, elemen yang paling penting, harus ada. Satu hal yang mereka sepakati adalah bahwa menyalahgunakan tag H1 pasti akan mendapatkan sebuah halaman web dihukum oleh Google dan Bing. Jadi menciptakan beberapa Header1 tag pada halaman untuk tujuan mencoba untuk meningkatkan peringkat pasti disukai. Pada tahun 2009, Google membuat pernyataan bahwa beberapa tag H1 pada halaman tidak masalah asalkan tetap dalam alasan. Misalnya, melihat WordPress. Ini secara luas diterima menjadi platform web yang bagus untuk SEO. Tema default mereka, Dua puluh Sebelas, menciptakan dua tag H1 secara default; satu untuk judul situs dan satu untuk halaman atau judul posting. Itu pesan cukup jelas bahwa memiliki dua pada halaman ini tidak masalah. Tentu saja, hanya untuk membuang hal off, Bing merekomendasikan hanya satu per halaman.

A webpage layout is defined by using Headers. Terms of importance on a webpage are usually the biggest and more prominent. The H1 tag stands for Header1 which, in HTML, is used in conjunction with the other header tags, H2 through H6, to determine site layout. The lower the number, the less importance to the page these tags indicate. And, of course, it breaks the page into logical portions for a human reader. Think of a magazine article. The article title is likely the most important element and is defined as H1. Then, perhaps, there is a subtitle which gets assigned a H2 tag and so on until the article body itself begins and is usually given a 'p' or 'paragraph' tag. The search engines also want to see a page with some logical breakdown of content.

But, is it OK to have multiple H1 tags on a single page? This is a contested topic among SEO professionals. Some will argue that it's fine to include multiple H1 tags on a page, within reason. Others will insist that only one, the most important element, should exist. One thing that they agree on is that abusing H1 tags will definitely get a webpage penalized by Google and Bing. So creating multiple Header1 tags on a page for the purpose of trying to improve ranking is definitely frowned upon. In 2009, Google made a statement that multiple H1 tags on a page are not a problem as long as kept within reason. For example, look at WordPress. It's widely accepted to be a great web platform for SEO. Their default theme, Twenty Eleven, creates two H1 tags by default; one for the site title and one for the page or post title. That's a pretty clear message that having two on the page is not a problem. Of course, just to throw things off, Bing recommends only one per page.

Developers can also create H1 tags on images. Many prominent, well-ranking websites utilize these tags. Of course, Bing also suggests that all H1 tags are text only. So, it doesn't appear as if using H1 tags as part of images is a huge problem, but should be avoided when possible. If they truly appear to be a prominent part of the page then a Header1 tag may be a sensible approach. However, typically it's preferred to leave H1 tags to the title of a page or post, and leave images without them. This is because the same image, whether it be a logo or other image is displayed on multiple pages. SEO specialists may want to use a unique H1 tag on every page from an SEO strategy perspective, and not repeat the same phrase multiple times. This is much easier to achieve by reserving the H1 tag for text. One could, however, choose to use two H1 tags on the page, one on the logo and one for the title. However, since the logo appears at the top of the page it would be evaluated first.

How much SEO benefit will I get from using Header tags? Tags are proven to help gain positive search results and on-page search engine optimization. "On-page SEO only goes so far," says Jim Jeffrey from a Attorney SEO Company. "However, if your only means of promoting a website is organic, on-page SEO, then page layout and tags are the most important factors." In this scenario, designers would certainly want to take advantage of whatever tools are at their disposal.

It's a fact that H1 tags are important to the search engines. Perhaps of equal importance is that they make pages accessible and easy to read. They break a webpage into logical sections that attract the eye using H1 to H6 tags. It's also known that Google and Bing both frown upon abusing H1 tags on a page. And, while there appears to be no penalty for using two, it's typically recommended to use only one. Using the most important element to a page or post in your H1 tag is a great way to focus the reader and the engines to a page's purpose. These can also be kept unique from the page title since this is also evaluated by Google (and the reader). This way, when Google and Bing evaluate a page, developers can create unique keyword phrases in both places and take advantage of as much on-page SEO as possible.

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The H1 Guide To SEO

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