Saturday, November 17, 2012

How To Activate SEO On Your Website When You're 18

By Kate Freeman

Have you been endeavoring to play the SEO game? In fact, does it look like a game to you, or more of a puzzle that you cannot seem to determine? Many people end up feeling frustrated that their hard work is not taking them anywhere when doing SEO. This may be because they mistakenly think that writing SEO blogs -- content that is optimized with the right keyword and the right keyword density -- is enough to make Google rank their site or blog on the front page.

If your web site is struggling in the ranking even as you think you are doing SEO correct, here are 3 items which are often unseen that may be stifling your SEO triumph.

Keyword Driven And Sufficient Web Copy

The foremost thing to check is content. If the web site homepage has more images than texts, then Google will not be able to index the website more effectively. Having more copy on the site than photos on it is in fact SEO friendly. Just make certain that the web content is rich with driven keywords.

Confirm The Period Of Your Website's Domain Name Registration

Domain name registration isn't an SEO technique but it does affect a website's ranking. Google prefers web sites which are signed up a long time. Five years or more is recommended instead of just 1 year. Before Google's eyes, this says the website is there to stay and is not a fly-by-night organization.

Assess The Website Diagnostics By Google Webmaster Tools

Think of SEO as a competition to the top of Google and your web site is a race car. Onsite optimisation is like preparing your site or blog to join the SEO race by putting a strong engine into the car body. This way, onsite optimisation is like cleaning up your website or blog so that it does not have the items that Google does not care for, and to substitute these items with those that Google wants. Offsite optimisation which is creating keyword driven content, is like the gas for the car. Surely your car requires to have an engine first and foremost before it can in fact begin in the race. The fuel will then be used to see your car rapidly go past others in the Google competition.

Because there are a lot of items involved in doing onsite optimization, it usually happens that some things are unsuspectingly left unchecked. Google Webmaster Tools Diagnostics identifies these mistakes which can be duplicate content, crawl errors, or html errors. These things are like a puncture on the gas tank of the race car. Without resolving this hole, then the fuel will only leak. In SEO terms, this means that without ensuring that the site is a set and SEO friendly platform, then the content written for SEO will just be a waste of effort as there will be no considerable ranking result accomplished.

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How To Activate SEO On Your Website When You're 18

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